Belqui’s Dominican Rice and Beans
- July 2021
- By Belqui Ortiz-Millili
- Recipe from Dominican Republic
- (47)
Yes, Latino food can vary wildly nation by nation, island by island, but one dish you can find on just about all of our tables—no matter where we come from—is rice and beans. We can debate the length of rice (short, medium or long?), type of bean (pinto, black, pink, red or other?), and even what to call them en español (frijol, habichuela or poroto?) but on this we agree: rice and beans are essential to la cocina Latina and homecooking at its most casero.
In the Dominican Republic, according to one of our favorite Dominican homecooks, Belqui Ortizi-Millili, who runs a food blog called Belqui’s Twist, the go-tos are: long-grain white rice, black beans and the term: habichuela. Because she loves this dish so much, it was one of the very first she learned to make when she was about 12 in her family’s kitchen in Washington Heights, New York. Now she lives in Arizona with her husband and two kids, and it’s still one of their most-requested, favorites—so Belqui makes sure to whip it up often and in large batches. Another of her family’s most loved Dominican treats: Belqui’s arepitas de yuca.
Belqui prefers to make her beans from scratch, but she gets it: everyone is busy, so she calls for canned beans in this recipe. Fascinating to us at Familia Kitchen is her use of soy sauce, an ingredient we don’t see see in most arroz y habichuelas. Honestly, we can’t wait to try making Belqui’s rice and beans with 1 Tbsp of soy.
”What would our life be like if it wasn’t for rice and beans?,” wonders Belqui. “Most of us serve them todos los dias, every single day on the side of everything that we eat.” Great question. La vida without beans is unimaginable.
We’re heading into the Familia Kitchen now, to make our own batch of Belqui’s arroz y habichuelas—with soy sauce, of course. Doesn’t that sound so savory and delicioso? Join us!
Ready to Make Dominican-Style Rice and Beans?
Photos: Belqui Ortiz-Millili
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